Ethiopia, mystic, rural, amazing...
Ethiopia exerts a real fascination on all avid discovery travellers. The high plateaux of the Danakil Depression by way of the Rift Valley and the numerous national parks, offer visitors to this immense territory magnificient and extremely varied countryside.
Ethiopia is the only nation on the African continent to have escaped colonisation, which is probably what has allowed it to preserve the authenticity which renders it unique. |
From the high plateaux of more than 4000 metres to one of the lowest points on the surface of the Earth (125 metres below the sea level) there are a multitude of possible itineraries to suit all profiles. The Rift Valley originates at the Red Sea and crosses the whole country until it reaches Mozambique; it accommodates seven successive lakes which supply water and food in turn to the various ethnic groups which live in the vicinity.
The lakes offer a privileged opportunity for very close observation of families of hippopotami and crocodiles. |
The seven national parks accessible to visitors are known as much for their exceptional countryside as their endemic animal species and ethnic groups with ancient traditions. In Ethiopia, even today, human activities rarely come into conflict with nature.
The populations live in harmony with their land. Thanks to a way of working which is more pastoralist than sedentary, nature is regenerating rapidly, making it appear intact, providing the greatest of pleasure for the eyes. Ethiopia has long remained difficult to access but it has made significant efforts to improve its tourist infrastructure.
Nowadays, it offers travellers the privilege of discovering a country filled with historical, cultural and natural riches, whilst at the same time supported by the comfort and safety necessary for making an unforgettable journey. |